Our Team

The five Nations have established a Working Group consisting of the YFFN Kitaskeenan Project Team and Community Coordinators from the collaborating Nations (Tataskweyak Cree Nation, Fox Lake Cree Nation, Shamattawa First Nation, and War Lake First Nation). The role of the Working Group is to review overall progress, set project direction, and make major decisions regarding Kitaskeenan Kaweekanawaynichikatek - Our Land We Want to Protect.

Community Coordinators organize and support in-community initiatives and tasks related to Kitaskeenan Kaweekanawaynichikatek. They work closely with the YFFN Kitaskeenan Project Team, Community Coordinators from the other Nations, and their membership (elders, leadership, resource users, men / women, and youth).

The YFFN Kitaskeenan Project Team consists of:

York Factory First Nation
Louisa Constant - YFFN Councillor & Project Lead
Email: louisamarieconstant@gmail.com
Phone: 204-341-2180 (band office), 204-307-6396 (cell)

York Factory First Nation
Flora Beardy - YFFN Community Coordinator
Email: florabeardy46@gmail.com
Phone: 204-341-2219 (home), 204-679-0205 (cell)

York Factory First Nation
Robben Constant - YFFN Kitaskeenan Project Support
Email: robben.constant@gmail.com
Phone: 204-590-9872 (cell)

HTFC Planning & Design
Elly Bonny - Technical / Advisory Support, HTFC Planning & Design
Email: ebonny@htfc.ca
Phone: 204-944-9907 (office)

HTFC Planning & Design
Shannon Bahuaud - Technical / Advisory Support, HTFC Planning & Design
Email: sbahuaud@htfc.ca
Phone: 204-944-9907 (office)

The Community Coordinators for this project are:

Tataskweyak Cree Nation
Nathan Neckoway - Tataskweyak Cree Nation (TCN)
Email: nathanneckoway@tataskweyak.com
Phone: 204-342-2045 (band office), 204-679-0103 (cell)

Fox Lake Cree Nation
Mary Beardy - Fox Lake Cree Nation (FLCN)
Email: beardymary@gmail.com
Phone: 204-652-2844 (home), 204-670-1812 (cell)

Shamattawa First Nation
Eli Hill - Shamattawa First Nation (SFN)
Email: elihill458@gmail.com
Phone: 431-335-4065 (cell)

War Lake First Nation
Lillian Spence - War Lake First Nation (WLFN)
Email: lillianjspence@gmail.com
Phone: 204-288-4315 (band office), 204-670-1078 (cell)