About IPCAs

IPCAs (Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas) are lands and waters where Indigenous governments have the primary role in protecting and conserving ecosystems through Indigenous laws, governance and knowledge systems. Culture and language are the heart and soul of the IPCA.

IPCAs share three essential elements:

1. They are Indigenous-led.

Indigenous governments have the primary role in determining the objectives, boundaries, management plans and governance structures for IPCAs as part of their exercise of self-determination.

2. They represent a long-term commitment to conservation.

Indigenous Peoples take a multi-generational view of stewarding their territories. Therefore, an IPCA represents a longterm commitment to conserve lands and waters for future generations.

3. They elevate indigenous rights and responsibilities.

Indigenous Peoples have long-standing physical and spiritual relationships with the lands and waters within their respective territories, and with the natural cycles that determine their use. These relationships have always included the right to benefit from the bounty of the natural world and the reciprocal responsibility to care for and respect the land and water, consistent with natural and Indigenous law, for future generations.

Although IPCAs across Canada will vary in terms of their governance and management objectives / strategies, they generally will include the above three essential elements.

In a Canadian context, IPCAs represent:

For more information on IPCAs, please review the report ‘We Rise Together’ from the Indigenous Circle of Experts (ICE, March 2018).

Vision Statement
We Rise Together - March 2018

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